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Version: 1.0.0



💡 How to manage Search Data?

  • We provide a variety of methods to transmit and manage data to be searched.
  • The data that becomes the target of search is managed in collection units. (In terms of RDBMS, this corresponds to a table)

Data Transmission Methods

1. Direct Database Connection

  • Available databases:

    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL

    Connection Add

2. Transmitting Data by Calling POST API

  • Using curl to call the API

curl -X POST{collectionName}/documents \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic base64({CLIENT_ID}:{CLIENT_WRITE_SECRET})" \
-d '{
  "documents": [
      "_id": "unique_document_id_123",
      "title": "Description of Philip",
      "name": "Philip",
      "age": 22,
      "department": "Engineering",
      "role": "Software Engineer",
      "email": ""

3. Uploading CSV Data

  • Click the Add Documents button on the Collection screen to upload a CSV file.

    Connection Add

    • Check the column information of the csv file and set the mapping information.